Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas 2010

I know it's been a year since out last posting, but here are pictures and videos of this years Christmas. It was so cute that Caitlyn kind of understands what is going on.
So we will do pictures first and them video's and with the videos i know they are sideways and i apologizes i don't know how to fix it.

Sitting in her new chair and loving her new George.

Watching Curious George and holding George, it was so cute.

Unwrapping presents, and if you look she is sitting in her new chair and she hasn't unwrapped

Her New tricycle that was a gift from grandma and grandpa Marlatt.
Playing in her new house that Grandma Lynn got her.

1 comment:

Allisha said...

CUTE!! I like that Caitlyn loves her George and holds him the same way Skyler holds his George. They're two peas in a pod :)