Monday, August 3, 2009

What's new with Caitlyn

OK, everyone has been asking about Caitlyn and all i could tell them was that she has a mild case of hip dysplasia and that's what i would leave them with, then one day some one asked me what exactly that meant and i tried to explain but i can't do a very good job. So i have decided to do some research and post it on here with some pictures of her in her harness that she is wearing 23 hours a day for the first 6 weeks (the one hour its off is bath So the next few paragraphs are what it is and the last paragraph I'm going to tell you how she is doing with it and then end with some pictures.


Hip dysplasia refers to an abnormality in the size, shape, orientation, or organization of the femoral head, acetabulum, or both. Acetabular dysplasia is characterized by an immature, shallow acetabulum and can result in subluxation or dislocation of the femoral head. In a subluxed hip, the femoral head is displaced from its normal position but still makes contact with a portion of the acetabulum. With a dislocated hip, there is no contact between the articular surface of the femoral head and the acetabulum. An unstable hip is one that is reduced in the acetabulum but can be provoked to subluxate or dislocate. Teratologic hip dysplasia, which is outside the scope of this discussion, refers to the more severe, fixed dislocation that occurs prenatally, usually in those with genetic or neuromuscular disorders.

The term developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) has replaced congenital dislocation of the hip because it more accurately reflects the full spectrum of abnormalities that affect the immature hip. DDH can predispose a child to premature degenerative changes and painful arthritis. Careful physical examination is recommended as a screening tool; early diagnosis helps improve treatment results and decrease the risk of complications.

Developmental dysplasia of the hip refers to a continuum of abnormalities in the immature hip that can range from subtle dysplasia to dislocation. The identification of risk factors, including breech presentation and family history, should heighten a physician's suspicion of developmental dysplasia of the hip. Diagnosis is made by physical examination. Palpable hip instability, unequal leg lengths, and asymmetric thigh skinfolds may be present in newborns with a hip dislocation, whereas gait abnormalities and limited hip abduction are more common in older children. The role of ultrasonography is controversial, but it generally is used to confirm diagnosis and assess hip development once treatment is initiated. Bracing is first-line treatment in children younger than six months. Surgery is an option for children in whom nonoperative treatment has failed and in children diagnosed after six months of age. It is important to diagnose developmental dysplasia of the hip early to improve treatment results and to decrease the risk of complications. (Am Fam Physician 2006;74:1310-6. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

So there you have it, this is what she has and it is easy to fix with a harness for 12 weeks. Now, if any of you know Caitlyn she is a very active girl and was rolling over and trying to crawl before she got the harness on and her favorite thing to do was to stand. Well as you will see with the pictures she can no longer do any of those things and she get very cranky and irritated that she can't. So for the next 12 weeks we have a cranky kid and all she does all day pretty much is complain in her own language. But, hey i don't blame her, if i couldn't move my legs for any period of time i would do the same. So far it has been 4 weeks and everything is looking good, there shouldn't be a reason why the harness won't work so we are very lucky for that. We are counting down the day until it comes off and then we are throwing a off the harness party(also at the same time a very good friend of ours is getting her neck brace off and we are going to celebrate Now if any of you have anymore question please ask, i love answering because i learn at the same time.